We are Yoga,HIIT & Nutrition Experts

Hi , We are the coaches at sweatdharma!

What inspired us to become the personal trainers was having experienced our own health transformation, and how it impacted our happiness and ability to get more out of our life. When we realized that we , not-naturally-sporty type could fall so heavily in love with fitness and health, we knew that everyone else could, too. There is no better feeling than helping people transform their health AND their confidence.


Change Your Life

Start Your Journey of Happiness and Health Today!

Seek Health with Yoga and HIIT

A mixture of heart-pumping strength moves, mobility & alignment, and feeling your core recruited in every movement — these workouts are highly efficient and body-changing. You will get fit from every angle, inside-out.

Healthy Eating for Healthy Life

The best way to establish healthy eating habits is to invest in your energy with each meal. It works wonders, and your results become sustainable. Blood sugar stabilizing is at the core ofSweatdharma's nutritional approach.

Control Your Brain with Meditation

Mediation and concentration are the way to a life of serenity.Your goal is not to battle with the mind, but to witness the mind.so,here we are to achieve your goals and awaken your asleep mind.

Features & Benefits



We Help You Stay Healthy

The Trainers

Aakriti jindal

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Deepa jindal

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo luctus .

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Trusted by over 7000 Health Seekers, Worldwide. Since 2005.

Jessica Simon

I have been following this routine and became healthier by doing lorem ipsum proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet aenean.

Happy Faces of Happy Students

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